Sunday, July 31, 2016

Imagineering Theory: Marvel-ous Developments

So…some pretty infuriating news regarding the Tower of Terror broke at San Diego Comic-Con. So let’s talk about that. We can be rational adults about this, can’t we?
Yeah, I’m pretty pissed about this “Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission SPACE Breakout!” thing. And not just because it represents yet another middle finger to the very concept of area theming in the name of spamming profitable film IP. I’m actually very fond of Guardians of the Galaxy; in fact, it’s the only entry in the MCU that I own on video. But this is…just a really bad idea on multiple levels.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Armchair Imagineering: Three Prompts

Ian Kay over at Pure Imagineering has started presenting his followers with Imagineering Prompts—just quickie creative exercises for the Disney theme park fan community. I don’t have a Tumblr so I haven’t responded directly, but in the interest of maintaining momentum over here while I develop my Next Big Post, here are my responses to the three he has offered so far.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Imagineering Theory: The Disney Animated Canon And Area Themes, Part 5

Wow, would you look at the date today? Happy birthday, Disneyland! 61 already, and you don't look a day...over...
Here we go! The final eleven movies in the Disney Animated Canon released to date, and the themed areas in the Disneyland Resort I think would suit them best!

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Imagineering Theory: The Disney Animated Canon And Area Themes, Part 3

I'm recovering nicely, thanks for asking.
But I'm still doing the rest of these movies.
Before I forget, Happy (Slightly Belated) Canada Day to my Canadian readers and Happy Independence Day to the Americans!